#FNF concert done for the year. Been waiting for this. He did well even banyak kali tak dapat ke sekolah. Hoping for more adventure for him next year in Prep 2.

73 de 9W2BBS
#FNF concert done for the year. Been waiting for this. He did well even banyak kali tak dapat ke sekolah. Hoping for more adventure for him next year in Prep 2.
73 de 9W2BBS
Happy new year peeps.
Not much update. Nothing interesting happening past 1 year, apart from watching #FNF growing up. He’s in school now already.
Had few chances for a short family trip. Sempat la merasa air laut dan main pasir sikit tahun lepas.
Hoping tahun ni would be better. Don’t grow up so fast #FNF.
73 de 9W2BBS
Lama tak tulis. Memang tak ada masa nak menempek. Currently on KPI Setting Day for business user.
Btw, am back to PET as of Nov 2022. Doing Cyber Security area now. Glad to return after 3 years away.
FNF dah makin besar, makin cerdik, makin pandai. Amaze to see him growing up. Not a good at this parenting yet. His health condition is getting better. Gonna get him a full blood check next week. Hope with the result we can better manage his condition.
Hope to be able to write more in future.
73 de 9W2BBS
Tengok la kerja separuh jalan..
Demn lama tak tempek.
Kind of lazy and bogged down dengan work since MCO. 2 hectic years. Owh, I am on extension mode ar ECERDC, til Q4 of this year.
FNF is already coming to 3.5 years now. Cheekier, smarter, and always entertaining. Kasi orang marah pun ada jugak. Each and everyday we learned new things about him.
Nantilah tempek lagi. Catch up later.
I’ve been working in ECERDC since November 2019. On secondment basis, for 2 years. Totally new environment and super duper challenging. But, keeping up the spirit to deliver as its there are constantly new things to learn on daily basis.
Will see how it goes for next year.
–73 de 9W2BBS
This cheeky now grown up already. Falling in love with him daily.
And dah pandai nak bergaya too
His eczema issues is getting better nowdays. Ichiness aja masih tak kurang. Hopefully one day it will go away.
–73 de 9W2BBS
This is my little cute smurf.
Asyik sengih sokmo.
73 de 9W2BBS
Alhamdulillah, puji-pujian buat Allah swt, pada 26 March 2019, jam 2 petang, saya dan isteri dikurniakan cahaya mata pertama kami, dilahirkan secara C-sect. Kedua ibu dan anak dalam keadaan sejahtera.
Ribuan terima kasih buat semua keluarga dan sahabat handai yang memberi bantuan dan ucapan syukur buat kami. Moga Allah swt membalas jasa-jasa kalian.
Welcoming handsome Farees Nabeel to our small family.
9W2BBS Fahroe Ibrahim and Nina Soraya Ismail.
If you are using SMART KL bound to Tun Razak, remember this number – #5