Friday, December 5th

IE Screw U!!!!

Aku give up aaah dengan IE nih. To all blog readers using IE (any version or any browser that uses IE as its browser engine such as NetCaptor, NeoPlanet, etc) you might experiencing some difficulties view the web page. It seems all my links that supposed to be on the right site of the blog, was moved down by IE. Those using Netscape, or Mozilla, no problem. You should be able to view it as it should be.

I can't recall when does this happened. Looked at the GreyMatter codes, but could not find the culprit. Rebuild the whole file again and still it did not work. Sorry guys... use Netscape instead. For those interested, Mozilla and Firebird is an alternative browser for Netscape. For Mac user, Camino might be a good choice.

So people.. bear with me.. sorry for all the "kesusahan". Will try to fix it later on.
fahroe on 12.05.03 @ 10:18 AM GMT+8 [link]

Thursday, December 4th

Ide untuk mengatasi kemalangan jalanraya.

Dok dengar: Waheeda - Wassini

Aku dok tengah browsing hari nih bila aku terjumpa site nih. Site ni belongs to Durham Regional Police Service, Canada. Yang menariknya, ade satu listing, orang-orang yand didapati bersalah memandu dalam keadaan mabuk (DUI). So, basically dia update la site dia everytime ada orang-orang yang didapati bersalah.

Hmm.. tak bolehka Polis Malaysia buat cam nih? I mean, mesti Polis ada DB system yang keep track senarai pesalah. Pull the data and export it to the web. I don't think its too difficult. Tak perlu banyak mende nak display, maybe say nama pesalah, no IC, kesalahan, tarikh kesalahan dan hukuman yang dikenakan.

Aku rasa, kalau buat ajer cam nih, maybe boleh sedarkan sikit sape-sape yang selalu buat traffic offence tuh. Nama glemer kejap dalam web. Tapi seperti biasa, mesti ada orang cuba abuse jugak senarai nih. Ye la.. Contohnya, kot-kot ada majikan buat alasan nak pecat staff sebab ada kesalahan traffik (esp yang kerja sebagai pemandu ker.. despatch ker) Tak ke kesian nanti. Time being tak ade la sangat cerita macam nih.. Mane la tahu satu hari ke.

Amacam??? Ada berani try kaa? Maybe boleh discuss lebeh kot?????

More detailed news kat sinih
fahroe on 12.04.03 @ 04:19 PM GMT+8 [link]

Tuesday, December 2nd

Back in KL

Dok dengar: Pink by Aerosmith

Finally, sampai kat KL tengah hari tadi. Terus masuk opis kejap untuk hantar barang kat opismate. Sepanjang flight, cuaca mendung ajer. Kene air pocket beberapa kali jugak lar. This time dapat Airbus 300 aircraft. Ramai giler dalam tuh, sebab ada satu rombongan sekolah dari Subang Jaya buat lawatan sambil belajar ke Kuching on the way balik KL. Kecoh la juga dalam flight. Manetaknya, bebudak sekolah rendah.

Then passenger sebelah aku vomit la pulak. Budak lagik, aku rasa dalam form 3 or form 4 kot. Kesian la tengok dia. Pass kat dia air sickness bag yg aku punya. Tengah flight, ade la pulak emergency. Pilot cari doctor on board. Ntah ade ke idak. Aku duduk 5th row dari belakang. Tak nampak ape sangat. Hopefully tak ade yang teruk la kot.

OK.. look forward for 19th Dec. LOTR marathon. Dah opening kat New Zealand semalam. Matrix pun aku tak tengok lagik. Minggu nih kot.. pi sensorang kalau sempat. After aku send off semua mende pesanan kat orang yg memesan lar.

-- Nak biskut chocloate chip????
fahroe on 12.02.03 @ 03:48 PM GMT+8 [link]

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