Hmm.. interesting
Saturday, 9:27AM.
At the moment, kene pegi tempat client, coz ade meeting cum demo supposedly pagi nih. Tapi both partner masih blom sampai. Developer yang menghilang tetiba moncol depan pintu bilik server. Hehehehhe. sabar ajer lar..
Sambil tunggu aku browsing, and found this article at /. in regards pasal call center staff cilok duit customer. Read this,curpg-1.cms. Wondering gaks pasal kat Malaysia pun banyak bank dah outsoruce soooooo many things. Dunno if this is legal under BAFIA ker, or its ok ke, or even if it is safe? Dulu keje kat bank, have to sign all the NDA, kene cari penjamin lar, itu lar ini lar. But, as far as I know, out source, maybe takat on level of the company ajer. But how about pekerja yang under outsource company. Kalau they do anything, like the above story, punished under which undang-undang? So many open holes once dah kene outsource. And rasanya, semua tunggu masa ajer. Wait and see...
Pas meeting ni, nak lepak kat opis plak kejap. Banyak menda nak buat. Dah ler line net selow cam cipan, ni la Malaysian company attitude, major break down, kata slight drop in performance. Pegi mabok lar.. kan dah kene komplen.
fahroe on 04.09.05 @ 09:38 AM GMT+8 [link]