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09/23/2011: "Huh.. seriously lama tak update."


Seriously.. aku makin malas update blog. Sometimes ada jugak nak update, but mostly cerita tak menarik (for others to know). So, end up KIV it or sending it to mind garbage.

Sedar tak sedar, dah 3 year aku kat PeLSSB nih (joined Sept 2008). Sadly, the next few months will be the last time I'll be at PeLSSB. Management decision, company closing down end 2011. So, back to square one, kene cari kerja lain.. sad

However, closing down the company is not an easy task. Kindly lagi banyak kerja to do. Especially when we have activated the Closure Management Plan. Walaweeiii.. banyak giler sei.. Courseware nak repackage, server nak shutdown and dismantle and dispose, leasing item nak return balik, files to be sort out and send to record center, asset to be write off or dispose, and definitely personal item to bring back home. Waduhhhh.. banyakkkkk.. sad sad sad

Maybe aku leh start posting about what we are doing in order to close a company. Btw, this is not the first time I'm in this situation. First saltmine I worked with faced with the same situation on 1998. De ja vu la konon-konon nih. Sabar ajer lah..

Ok.. will update again soon. Hopefully I can do this every 2-3 days sekali.

Owh.. by the way, married life? Am enjoying to the fullest smile

73 de 9W2BBS.

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