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08/19/2009: "Helloowww"
Hellow peeps..
Ape cer? Me currently dekat KT. Ada kerja sikit. Was here since last Sunday. A nice trip, with opismates, and expecting to be back in KL by Thursday.
Lama gak tak menulis nih. Life a bit in a mess sket. Sendiri bikin, sendiri tanggung lah kan. Hehehhe. Ape-apepun, have to move on quickly as not planning to waste anymore time. Work has been nice to me. There are quite a number of things to do, yet tak la sampai really taking my personal time away. Biasalah, mane ade kerja yang tak sibuk? Nak makan pun sibuk jugak kan??
Did few things for the past few months. Something that lama sangat yang nak dibuat, now dah tercapai dah. Really happy about it. Can't wait for new activities. Tapi kene tengok lah, hope tak clash with opisworks or what. Periuk nasi kene jaga jugak.
Got myself something new. Gadget sense.
. Lama dah tak get new things, about time tho.. Also, don't have to pay a lot for it. Jangan marah.. Apenyer? Nanti-nanti lah cerita.
Wokey.. mau packing and get ready. Jap lagi ada presentation to customer, then terus gerak to Kertih. Mau cari missing equipment. Harap-harap jumpa lah. Not feeling good about company has to pay things that is not being use. Not my company tho, just the feelings is not right.
Tempek lagi later. Hopefully in short period of time.
QRT and 73 de 9W2BBS