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04/22/2009: "Balik kampung...."

Salams pepel...

Wazzap??? Lama tak menempek nih. At this moment, aku ada kat Kuching. Attending to family matters sikit. Arrived malam tadi, and balik KL malam ni. Kejap aja. Nanti datang balik. Tengok macam mana next month or two.

Masa pagi tadi, was at Hospital Umum Sarawak (HUS). From my observation, seriously, this hospital needs a multi-storey car park. Punya la payah nak parking. If the government boleh buat 4-6 storey car park kat situ kan bagus. Tak la jadik sesak dalam compound hospital tu dengan kereta parking macam ntahapeapentah. Blocking jangan cerita lah. Not suprised kalau one day, kereta block enterance hospital until ambulan pun tak boleh masuk. Kalau dapat buat 1 parking building, minimal charges aku rasa ramai orang akan try guna. Those yang parking tak menentu, saman aja, not the DBKU punya saman, but real saman polis.

Tapi.. aku boleh bet, the above cadangan.. akan tinggal cadangan. With 1001 alasan coming soon. Aku rasa PPUM buat multi storey parking tu, at least kurang lah sikit masalah parking. HKL, they make the visitor/patient paid for the parking. Kewl enuff, at least drop at emergency or so, then go find proper parking. Lagipun, tanah kat KL dah makin "mahal" kannn..razz.

Nak packing jap lagi. Will tempek more soon. Buzz me at MukaBuku if you are in it. For those who can't, an email or sms will always be accepted... smile

Alriteyy. got to go. QRT and 73 de 9W2BBS.

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