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08/20/2008: "Tarikh hari ni"
Saja nak tempek skett...
Tarikh hari ni -
Kewl tak?
Hhehee.. Nothing much happening. Baru balik dari tengok kapal. Banyak improvement, so our time is coming soon to load masuk all equipment ke site. Esok mau pergi pasang balik jetty fiber optic point. Hari tu rosak, baru lepas repair.
2 weeks ago, aku pergi Cameron Highland with 9W2ARD, 9W2TPT and harmonic, 9W2TKK and Azlan and his harmonic. Had a good trekking there. Pix can be view here and here.
Also, congratulations to our badminton hero, Lee Chong Wei, for winning a silver medal di Beijing Olympic 2008. You did a fantastic job. No worries for not getting a gold. But, your effort is more appreciated.
Orait.. nanti tempek lagik. Nak main ngan Hantu Norton Symantec sat. Hehhee.
QRT and 73 de 9W2BBS