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06/05/2008: "Welcome to the real world..."
Welcome to the real world
- Morpheus
Semalam, the big announcement. Aku rasa, satu Malaya blogger dok cerita pasal minyak naik.
Reality checks in. Time to go away with this subsidy. Hard to swallow (aku pun kene selok poket lagi dalam, eehh dah bocor plak tuh), but how shall we overcome it?
Semua orang komplen, but tak ada lagi orang say, how to reduce the price of oil? Malaysia, definitely bukan major oil producers (** update 6:37pm - net oil exporter see here) Our yearly subsidy dah 1/3 dari total budget (IIRC). Gosh, giler aah. How to survive?
In a week time, tengok la semua kedai akan naik harga. Tak percaya? Percayalahh..
Aku nak travel pun rasa dah kureng dah. Giler ko.. pas nih cost me more than RM600 on fuel aja.
Agak-agak, pasir kat tepi pantai tu masak ape aa sedap?
Yang kat kampung-kampung, i guess, lagi teruk lah. But, last week kat Baling, aku rasa sana barang lagi murah. Bloody CHEAP I can tell you.
Yang membebel semua orang BANDAR, yang mewakili orang KAMPUNG.
India pun increase fuel by 11%, Malaysia, almost 40% for petrol, 63% for diesel. Crazy pig la weii!
Also, few airlines dah bungkus. Cari la news pasal nih. Minyak nih, effect dia macam domino. From one to one area.
So, to all readers, welcome to the real world.