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03/29/2008: "Huyooo, jalan sokmo"
Salamz pepel,
Demnnn sehh. Dekat sebulan aku tak tempek. Penat aah, asyik dok moving around aja. Nak menulis pun tak ada idea (more towards MALAS actually), and also aku dok on the move aja lately.
To summarize,
- Went to Lumut for since lepas pilihan raya, only to be back during weekends (as usual)
- Attended MARES AGM di PJ on 16 March. The BEST AGM EVER!!!!
- Went to Jakarta on 21st till 24th, BEST giler. Shopping trip, tapi aku tak dapat beli ape-ape. PENAT CARI BAJU SIZE AKU LA WEEII!!!. Makan was superb, especially at Sangkuriang Bandung. Pergghh heaven. Alpokat was the best.
- At Jakarta, aku singgah Glodok Harco. Holaweii, heaven for antenna. But, aku still tak jumpa Buddypole/Buddystick. Waaaa.
- Balik dari Jakarta, work for 2 days, before off to Perlis on Wednesday night. Had Pameran Kerjaya at Maktab, ramai datang esp. from agensi luar. Suggested to maktab to do it and open to nearby school.
- Just arrived from Perlis at 9pm. Checked my emails - 1400 mails. Bapak banyak!
Will be of to lumut esok tengah hari till Friday kot. Training dah nak start. Hopefully semua ok. Pas nih makin lama la duduk kat Lumut. Adeiii, penat gaks nak jenjalan nih.
Nanti tempek lagik. QRT and 73 de 9W2BBS.