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03/29/2006: "9M2GL - Silent Key"
Semalam, balik dari round table, had a shock to find out that our ham mentor, 9M2GL, Hj Idris passed away. Terkejut la sangat, coz hari Ahad baru aja jumpa dia dekat kelas RAE MARES. Was so speechless, bila dengar the news at 9M4RKW. So, aku call P5, and informed him pasal the news. Terkejut lagi la bro sorang nih. More news at here.
Personally, Hj Idris la yang sign borang AA aku untuk dapatkan my callsign. Will be forever gratefull to him. And with his guidance and knowledge, banyak menda aku dapat pasal ham radio nih. Clear up few things, and also learn more pasal ham radio.
Will miss him badly.
Al-fatihah untuk 9M2GL.
Cherio de 9W2BBS.