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10/11/2005: "Wake Up, I'm Fat!"
Aku baru ajer abih baca buku ni - Wake Up, I'm Fat! written by Camryn Manheim. Light reading kat rumah. True story about Camryn Manheim. Dia ni actress filem The Practice. Aku tak recall sangat pun which one tapi, korang leh tengok kat sinih -- http://www.camrynmanheim.com
Buku nih cerita pasal pengalaman hidup dia. Masa kecik kurus keding, then bila nak masuk teen, macam bertukar body dengan sister dia, dia jadik gemuk and sister dia yang masa kecik gemuk, jadi kurus. So, struggle dia untuk hidup dalam masyarakat (termasuk keluarga sendiri) yang asyik psycho dia suruh jadik kurus. Pada masa yang sama, dia nih kerja keras untuk jadi actress, and finally she won an Emmy for her role dalam The Practise.
That's bring me to think about myself. Yes.. I'm fat (or nak better, I'm big bones, bak kata Eric Cartman dalam South Park). Got so many nicks for my fattines - spare tire, pregnant 3 bulan, extra blubber - u name it lar. Masa sekolah dulu, nak kata kurus, hmmm boleh la sket. Sikit ajer la. Dulu dok maintain weight at 70++ ajer, now dah exceed 100kg. Wat la BMI calculation, memang sah masuk kategori OBESE!!!!!
So, nak kuruskan badan? Wish I could. Nak excersise - MOJO kurang. Aku really admire tengok si Cokot. Dia nih dulu badan, macam aku gaks. Then, excersie regime dia memang power. La nih menten slim ajer. Hmm jelezzzz. But its good for him. So, aku plaks? Ntah lar. been wanting to get back to the under 80kg. Tak per... next year kita cuba lagik. This year and the years before failed. Try again. But maybe kita tukar cara sket kot? Care to join?
Ahh.. lupa, almost a week puasa, berat now at 102kg balik. From 108kg hari tuh. Kekkekeke.
Replies: Dah ada 19 komplen...
on Wednesday, October 19th, kimi said
haha.. byk sungguh advice ni. Bagus2. Pada aku, yang penting kau ade motivation, goals-what u need to achieve at the end of the day. Kalau x, mmg tak jalan la.
Do exercise. Make it a discipline. 3 times a week. Takde masa? Ala...dating ada lak masa..haha.
Tak yah restrict makan. Selalunye kalau dah xcercise, kau ade tendency nak limit ur food intake. Been there, done that.
Last, don't forget ur vitamin supplements. U need it.
Paling last, ask urself, do u want to be a part of heart disease statistics?
Ask kindly...
on Monday, October 17th, . said
dah aku tgk ramai yg komplen so aku komplen laa jugak... apo yg cite lama??
join?? hmmm..hmmm..hmmm...hmmm...
on Monday, October 17th, Paroe said
Hhaa. cerita lama. Ni ler posting aku paling banyak komen. So, sape sape nak join lagiks sesi kuruskan badan. Hehhehe
on Monday, October 17th, . said
erkhhh.. nape sume nak meng kuruskan diri nie?? Aku gak yg maintain.. hehhee
on Monday, October 17th, RaeN said
masa practical pun boleh la dikatakan kurus.. cuba la turunkan sikit bro ye? Untuk kesihatan :-)
on Sunday, October 16th, azwa said
boleh tu paroe..... cuma kena usaha skitlah... aku join ko nak kurus....
on Friday, October 14th, shay said
patut tgk paroe zaman kat mrsm perlis..zaman cycling tgh hangat..haha kurus keding..
on Friday, October 14th, Paroe said
Masa kampeni indon - surveyor indonesia, itu ramai orang sponsor makan. Then masa kat array tech, tak ade orang sponsor makan. Hahhahaa
on Thursday, October 13th, . said
eh.. mano ilang aku nye komleng nie??
on Thursday, October 13th, . said
betol tuuu.. sama2 laa naik.. Zaman Sime ke?? Bukan zaman paroe keje ngan Indon? Apo itu bapak punye kompeni tuu?? Ray something.. sampai rumah woo boss dia carik!! Tergezzzut gak ler akuu
on Thursday, October 13th, aidayurani said
awak, dapur pun tarak kat rumah, jgn mau tanya sape masak la. buku baru baca 10page, mungkin kita kurus lepas ni, haha
on Thursday, October 13th, Paroe said
Hula weii. Banyak komen la plaks. Bangun awal? Forget it, tak menjadik. Makan tuh leh try, tapi sape nak tolong masak? Ini berat kejap ajer ilang. Lepas raya dia mai balik lar.
on Wednesday, October 12th, Tango Jue said
on Tuesday, October 11th, irwan said
Dulu masa kat Sime ngko mmg kurus... Lepas era Sime aku peratikan ngko sama je naik ngan aku muehehehe... Takpe Paroe... Itu dinamakan murah rezeki hehehe...
on Tuesday, October 11th, marin said
camryn manheim yang badan besar2 sikit dalam the practice. she's the one with long hair. very cheerful.. kinda reminds me of adibah noor. she's like the reason why all the top fashion designers began to design for the plus sizes.. before this jarang depa buat lagu tu.. ps: banyak tu turun..
4 kilo tuu... mana pigi semua weight tu?
on Tuesday, October 11th, P5 said
ayam alatemotemobit boleh.. seminggu sekali aje.
morning walk? yg mengajak tu boleh bangun ke?
on Tuesday, October 11th, aidayurani said
since P5 cakap cannot mkn ayam, so itu ayam kira cancell la eh? I sendiri mkn ja la bulan puasa ni!! nanti awak naik balik 108kg?
on Tuesday, October 11th, aidayurani said
pi beli tracksuit la. pas raya kita start morning walk! jgn nak ngelat!
on Tuesday, October 11th, P5 said
nak lose weight, makan nasi, ayam + daging at most seminggu sekali aje. lebihkan makan ikan, sayur dan sup. jauhkan kari, santan dan minuman bergula. air kosong aje. teh tarik, teh ais dan yg sewaktu dengannya banyak gula.
heheh... 73