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09/13/2005: "Deep under the pool.."
Wazzap? Me as usual. Bz a bit here and there. Bz buat website pun ade jugak. Baru ajer revamp MARES website. Now doing PalmX punya pulak. Dalam seminggu dua nih siap kot. Time being still old page. Makin menjadi-jadi keje update website nih. Hehehe.
Last Sunday, went for scuba introductory class. Ala.. 1 time punya kelas ajer. Nak merasa duduk dalam air. It was great. Instructor pun kewl giler. They had a scuba lesson package, Pang5 dok racun nak pergi. End of the year kot. Tengok la macam mane. Ape-ape pun kene kasi fit dulu badan. Nih dok sokmo sakit badan ajer. Nak naik tangga pun mengah. Malam Ahad tu pulak jumpa kezen kat Ampang. Dia suh reduce weight. Apparently family kat kampung pun ramai dah slim gilos. Including my mother. Muehehehhe. Ini macam tak leh jadi nih. Kene try nih. Ape rahsianya.. Time being my weight stands at 105kg, need to reduce to 75 plus. And by the way, I'm not fat, just big bones. Muahahhahahah
Keje plak skarang kene tied up with sales manager more closely. Apparently our BDM (Bussiness Development Manager) semua kurang skill mau kasik technical info. So we, at the tech team, kene la tempek with them much more. Further than that, nak kena la pulak buat follow up with prospect and clients. Macam secretary la pulak. Sabor ajer laa.... tensen.
Called Fatin last week. She's doing fine agaknya. Ok ajer masa tepon. Tapi can't reach her via internet yet. The place kureng sket internet facilities. Nak pergi cyber cafe, cost sky high. Ntah lar. Hope she's doing fine. Ani called yesterday, and as usual saja nak check out things. She supposed to be in US next week, nak pesan amenda aah this time. Dia pun macam maleh nak beli dah. Cet.. busan aah macam nih.
Got to go. Pergi bank japs, then petang nih nak pergi jumpa another client. Mau story mory sama dia orang. Chow peep.. tempek later.