Wokey.. esok exam RAE. Ntah, dunno if I can make it or not. Hopefully lar. Dah go ahead, tak leh nak look back. Lama tak buat exam-exam nih. The last one was when I took my CUA cert. Lama giler sei. Malam nih final revision with Cokot and geng lain. Esok full day cuti.. yeyeyeyeye.
Went to Taiping last Saturday. Old friend from Beseri punya wedding. Pi ngan 2 other friend. On the way balik, singgah bandar Taiping. Sempat gak masuk Zoo Taiping. Ok la.. at least been there. Nak lawan San Diego zoo tuh jauh la, but ape-ape pun, RIMAU DAN SINGA DIA SIHAT SEIII!!!!!!!. Zoo negara punya rimau ngan singa, kesian betul. Macam tak cukup makan seeiii.. Ntah lar. Aku memang sokong dia orang tutup ajer Zoo Negara tu and locate to somewhere else better such as Zoo Melaka or Zoo Taiping. Menatang duduk dalam bandar, ape la jadahnyer. Memang la stress tak sudah. Kalau pi Zoo Melaka, at least kawan aku ade nak jaga. Kan Wahir kan?????
Ok peps.. paler aku dah tak leh pikir menda lain la nih. Dalam otak dok ade .. 2 meter net, QSY, VHF, V=IR, Power amplifier, skip zone, interference, bla bla bla... argghhh.
Wish me luck. Pas nih nak apply callsign plak. Mane ok - 9W2BBS or 9W2GIE or 9W2JIE ???
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