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04/26/2005: "Yeaaa.. 1 step closer"
Last Sabtu dengan Ahad, aku attend kelas RAE. Memang puas hati. Thanks to MARES for their effort conducting the classes. Banyak menda la aku belajar. Dok layan site product Ham radio, baru la paham sket. And also the rules and regulation, banyak menyimpang rupanya ham radio user nih. Tengok la cam mane. Exam bulan 6 nanti. Semalam aku submit the RAE form. Lega satu step, tinggal the final one lar, amik exam.
Heard that income tax form la nih boleh download and fill up electronically. So tadik donload and fill up semua. Kene bayar tax RM60++. Lega. Malam nih nak pergi hantar the forms. Tapi tempat dah pindah, kat Pandan Indah la pulak. Usually kat PGRM, tengok la macam mane.
Okie. Nak balik dah. This Saturday pergi Penang. Ade wedding, and meeting up my parents there. Esok malam sampai dari Kuching, and terus to Penang. Going back with Atin.