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04/11/2005: "Heppi besday to me :)"
Mood masa tulis nih: Ceria kot?
Heppi besday to me...
Heppi besday to me...
Heppi besday to myself,
Heppi besday to me...
I'm wishing a heepi besday to myself. Moga-moga me panjang umur, and etc etc etc.
Hari besday.. keje makin bertimbun.. huaraggghhh..
Replies: Dah ada 9 komplen...
on Thursday, April 14th, jr said
happy birthday
on Wednesday, April 13th, shay said
happy birthday paroe!
do always remember - u r not 30, u r 17 with 13 years experience
on Tuesday, April 12th, Paroe said
Toche to al.. hehhee. .muda lagik daaa..
on Monday, April 11th, sut hensem said
uit bang..hepi birthday.. makin tuo eh ko..
tgk cam aku..baru masuk 23 he he
Anyway..moga pjg umur..rezeki melimpah ruah.. kawen cecepat gitu!
on Monday, April 11th, sut hensem said
uit bang..hepi birthday.. makin tuo eh ko..
tgk cam aku..baru masuk 23 he he
on Monday, April 11th, kimi said
hepi birthday bang. No worries, its onli a number..hehehe
on Monday, April 11th, kimi said
hepi birthday bang. No worries, it's onli a number..haha
on Monday, April 11th, anakBapak said
Hepi besdei to me! Hepi besdei to me!! Eh...silap.. epi besday to Bapak!!!hehe..Eh..dah tukar -->Fahroe Ibrahim. Early 30's, <--- ngee!!!
on Monday, April 11th, marina said
dah tua rupa nyee...
hahaha.. happy birthday.. tak de cake ke? i love cake..