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04/04/2005: "Monday again..."
Ok.. dah Isnin balik. Keje as usual. Hari nih dan minggu ni aku rasa aku will on hi pressure kot. Banyak menda tak settle. Kejap lagik pegi tempat client, nak menjawab. Hmm. ntah ape nak jadik la. Responsibilities. Nak kene check and balance. Kene jenguk over the shoulder jugak kot? Tak pun kene keep on pestering the people. But, yang kene bambu balik.. aku jugak. Silap silap lifeline kena potong. Tukar saltmine again (????).
In 7 days time (i think), I will enter 30. hah.. 30 seii. Feels like 22. Hahhaha. .Young at heart. Even though the looks is wayyyy more than 45 rasanya. Was called pakcik during Ansara Bowling tournament at Mid Valley. Rasa nak blah ajer. But ape nak buat. Memang pakcik pun. Was even mistaken as bapak orang (hence the nick bapak was called to me by somebody). Hmm.. nasib badan..
Tomorrow new project start. New project. Again.. makin la ka pressure pas ni. Client quite a big one. So, have to manage the expectation, and hopefully will be a smooth ones. Estimated a 1 month project (as usual in other words its 2 month at least). So tengok la nanti. Wish me luck.
For those responding on my last post, tengok laa. Tu angan-angan ajer laaa... biasa kan aku nih kuat berangan. Hehhehee. .Kalau ade mak gula nak sponsor, lagik la besh. Ahakss..
Cherio.. 73.