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11/29/2004: "Kembali bertugas"
Hello pepel. Den dah start keja balik hari nih. Rasa semacam ajer masuk opis. Manetaknya.. mau almost 3 minggu cuti. Masuk dok terkebil japs check email and letters. Pass tuh over the breakfast tadik, dok getting feed back dari opis mate on the on-going project, since aku tak dak hari tuh. Saja update diri sendiri.. incase nanti nak refer payah.
For the past few days, me and sis dok surver/shopping around for the houses. Dah dapat dah majority things yang diperlukan. Kopak la jugak. Tapi sis aku lagi kopak kot. Tak per... dia kaya. Hehehhee.. Aku yes man ajer. But suprisingly, aku noticed, ade beberapa kampeni yang menjual perabot sudah upsize pricing and cut back the price, seolah-olah itu adalah diskaun. Memang sah dia orang macam tuh, coz aku dah compare pricing before puasa hari tuh. Item wise, lebeh kurang. But don't see much different la jugak. kalau really, bagus la. But to those yang nak berbelanja, make sure buat survey dulu. KL nih pricing agak menarik jugak between shops. Kene becareful lar. Yang penting, have a check out and opinion from someone else or somewhere else. Kekadang kena tipu buta-buta ajer. Eden pun dah kene few times. Tu yang serik tuh.
Besides that, ramai la pulak kezen-kezen datang KL. Baru nak rest... dah kene jadik tour guide kot this weekend again. Tengok lar macam mane. Nanti tempek lagik. Daaa