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09/16/2004: "Hmm.. ringkasan berita"
Cerita pendek ape terjadi for the past few days:-
- Relocation project settle dah. Mula jumaat lepas, habis hari ahad. Pindah server and boot up everything back balik
- Internet link kat opis down since jumaat, petang nih (khamis) baru up balik.
- 6 hari nak tunggu technician TMNut datang buat repair. Took 5 minutes to solve the problem. Apekemendenyer?????
- Moden DSL kat opis kene hijack/hack dek penggodam. Katanya ramai kene, esp yang pakai Lucent CellPipe modem.
- Project Marina kat Tioman still ongoing (??).. hmm good bye la tioman pas nih
- Ferrari memang kat F1 Italy. Yeahh..
- Amik cuti hari Selasa, settle out few things, banks, house, lawyer thingy, etc.
- Bought myself a label printer. Cun giler. Hhehehe. Memula ingat nak claim kat kampeni, then tak jadik. Aku amik terus.
- Cuti tahunan ade 20.5 hari. yeahhhh.. leh cuti lama balik kampung masa raya. Hehehhe.
Tu ajer.. nanti tempek lagik. Nak balik dah.