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12/15/2003: "Yeehaaa.. new DB for Palm"
Dok dengar: Vienna Waltz by Johann Strauss
Yesh.. since hari nih nothing much to do, aku amik kesempatan untuk cipta additional Palm DB for MobileDB. Usually every year aku akan create holiday listing untuk digunakan dalam PDA aku. Used to have for Malaysia and Singapore ajer, but this time aku try to create for Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia dan Philippines. And on top of that, boleh guna directly masuk ke Palm Desktop software.
Sape sape interested nak check out, lihat kat Palm gear.Com. Free to download. If you like it, mail me.
yeah, 4 hari lagik LOTR. Tak sabor sehhhh. So.. marilah kita beramai-ramai menyaksikan LOTR. Tiket dah mula di jual kat MV - GSC. Gold class RM35. Aku rasa sure fully book nih. Sape sempat dapat ler.
-- Jum la pegi...